2020中国-东盟论坛 | 第十二讲 可持续固体废物管理:封闭循环
主讲人:Prof. Chew Tin LEE (UTM), Malaysia (马来西亚理工大学)时 间:2020年11月20日(星期五) 10:00-12:00
地 点:腾讯会议
会议ID:960 332 180
Prof. Chew Tin LEE, IChemE, is a Professor of School of Chemical & Energy Engineering, Univesiti Teknologi Malaysia; Co-Chair, International Conference on Low Carbon Asia & beyond (ICLCA, iclcaconf.com); Associate Editor, Journal of Cleaner Production. Prof. LEE’s research focuses on solid waste management, organic waste composting, environmental engineering and low carbon society development. She has published more than 100 articles in the leading journals in chemical engineering, environmental, materials and chemistry. She has presented 20 invited plenary and keynote lectures at international conferences, and more than 100 invited presentations in universities,industry, and worldwide.
She is also the Founder and Advisor of UTM Green DNA Student Society to groom future green champions for sustainable development.
Solid waste management is needed for China and many fast-growing countries worldwide. Improper waste management is a public health and environmental crisis, economic loss, operational inefficiency and political and public awareness failure. Integrated solid waste management can be a nation building exercise for healthier and wealthier communities. Conversion of solid waste to specific and higher value-added products could close the loop for waste-to-wealth and promote bio-economy in long-run. Prof. Lee will make an systematic introduction to various types of advanced waste management facility, sanitary landfill, mechanical biological treatment (MBT), incinerator. The lecture will also cover supply chain management, and economic analysis for the solid waste management process. Environmental effect such as greenhouse gas inventory will be covered too.