


学生活动 | 2021国际大学生创新实践设计奖

Dear ACNET-EngTech members,

As the rotating presidency in 2021, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) has launched the 2021 Practical Design Innovation Award (PDIA) towards member universities and other higher education institutions to collect and recognize innovative practical design work from global practice. Winners will receive awards and cash prizes!

PDIA is held against the backdrop of new opportunities and challenges facing the design discipline. Practical design, as the work developed in response to a specific problem or situation, employs a rational design approach to achieve the work that is fit-for-purpose, tested and applicable in a real-world scenario. Through the competition, PDIA is supposed to promote the development of practical design education and enhance global exchanges among design students.

The deadline for entries is Nov 20, 2021. All students enrolled in (and recent graduates from) a design course are eligible. Entries may be in any area, including but not limited to product design, industrial design, service design, spatial design, and interaction design, and can be derived from graduation work, coursework, or work specifically developed to fit with the competition requirements. Students may participate individually or as part of a team.

Work should be submitted via online system only. (

For more details, please refer to


Kind regards,