ASEAN-China Forum 2020 | Verifying Complex Systems Probabilistically through Learning, Abstraction and Refinement
3:00p.m., Tuesday, 3rd Nov. 2020
Tencent Meeting ID: 384 549 515
Password: 312312
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate physical and engineered systems and have the potential to transform the way people interact with engineered systems. They are often used to control public infrastructures like water purification/distribution systems or smart grid systems. When CPS are employed in such safety-critical scenarios, it is desirable to show that they can operate dependably and safely. Analyzing CPS, however, is challenging. Existing system analysis methods, like model-based testing, model checking and theorem proving, require the avail- ability of a system model. Because CPS closely interact with the physical environment, the model must not only capture the system behavior but also the environment’s. Modeling the environment is often hard, due to complicated continuous dynamics in the physical environment. In this talk, I will introduce the framework we proposed to automatically verify discrete-time complex systems without manual modeling through a combination of learning, abstraction and refinement.
SUN, Jun is currently an associate professor at Singapore Management University (SMU). He received Bachelor and PhD degrees in computing science from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2002 and 2006. In 2007, he received the prestigious LEE KUAN YEW postdoctoral fellowship. He has been a faculty member since 2010. He was a visiting scholar at MIT from 2011-2012. Jun's research interests include software engineering, formal methods, program analysis and cyber-security. He is the co-founder of the PAT model checker. To this date, he has more than 200 journal articles or peer-reviewed conference papers, many of which are published at top-tier venues. His academic papers have won many international conference awards, and he is also the organizer of many international conferences.
Office of International Cooperation & College of Intelligence and Computing,
Tianjin University