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Tianjin University Hosts the China-ASEAN Innovation Achievements Expo

On August 3, 2015, the Opening Ceremony of the China-ASEAN Innovation Achievements Expo in Marine Science and Technology was held at the Guiyang International Eco-Conference Center, Guizhou Province. The Expo was organized by Tianjin University (TJU) and supported by the Ocean University of China, the Chinese Society for Oceanography and Guizhou Radio & TV University. TJUOn August 3, 2015, the Opening Ceremony of the China-ASEAN Innovation Achievements Expo in Marine Science and Technology was held at the Guiyang International Eco-Conference Center, Guizhou Province. The Expo was organized by Tianjin University (TJU) and supported by the Ocean University of China, the Chinese Society for Oceanography and Guizhou Radio & TV University. TJU’s President Professor Li Jiajun addressed the guests at the ceremony which was chaired by TJU’s Assistant to the President Professor Hu Wenping.

Guests included H.E. Theerakun Niyom, Ambassador of the Royal Thai Embassy, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre, Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond, Centre Director of SEAMEO Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development, Mr. Wang Jing, General Director of the Education Commission of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, Mr. Sam Nga, Rector of Mean Chey University, Mr. Tum Saravuth, Rector of Svay Rieng University, Dr. Chhan Sopheap, Director of the Asian Institute of Cambodia as well as experts, officials and entrepreneurs from ASEAN and China.

President Li firstly expressed his gratitude to the committee of the China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week (CAECW), ASEAN-China Center, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development and all the guests for their dedication and support. He said that, through the Expo, Tianjin University, as the permanent presidency of ACNET-EngTech in China, would be fully committed to any project given its disciplinary strengths in marine science and technology, and would promote exchanges in this field. Based on the Expo, TJU aimed to strengthen cooperation and achieve mutual benefits in marine science and technology between China and ASEAN. He hoped that substantial progress in the international scientific cooperation would be achieved.

Secretary-General Yang emphasized the significance of the event in her speech. She regarded the Expo as a great opportunity to showcase the achievements in marine science and innovation of ASEAN-China universities and research institutes, which indicated the commitment to cooperation in this field. Furthermore, believed that there was enormous potential and a brighter future of the ASEAN-China cooperation in marine science.

Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond proposed that the Expo would be a great start to establishing and promoting the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and thus enhance talent training, technological innovation and research cooperation.

General Director Wang eexpressed that China and ASEAN enjoyed exceptional advantages in regional cooperation given their mutual interests in the development of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. He said that, based on the cooperation between ACNET-EngTech, TJU, together with the Ocean University of China and the Chinese Society for Oceanography held the Expo which would provide a significant platform for cooperation and exchanges for both exhibitors and participants, and also provide advantages in scientific innovation. He concluded his speech by wishing exhibitors and participants at the Expo every success.

After the ceremony, the participants toured the exhibition. They were provided with an introduction, looked at models, and watched videos. They expressed their keen interest in the Petrel II Underwater Glider which was ddeveloped by TJU. The Petrel II Underwater Glider utilized the latest technology of hybrid propulsion. It has established a series of new records for Chinese underwater slider technology including achieving the longest range without any breakdowns, and operating with the longest duration and largest operational depth. The Glider was recognized as one of the “Chinese Top Ten Ocean Scientific and Technological Advances 2014” and was ranked second. In future, it will have a wide application prospect with huge market potential.

The China-ASEAN Innovation Achievements Expo in Marine Science and Technology was one of the most significant event of the 8th CAECW. In the 2015 China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation, twenty universities, research institutes and enterprises from China and ASEAN countries were invited, to exhibit over 120 innovative achievements with the theme of Marine Observation and Monitoring, Marine Engineering Equipment, Comprehensive Utilization of Seawater, New Marine Energy, and Marine Biotechnology. Over 30 achievements from more than 20 TJU research groups were exhibited at the event. TJU held this Expo given its strengths in marine science and technology and ability to be influential in this field. The Expo aimed to promote international exchanges, and foster technological cooperation between China and the ASEAN countries.