

ASEAN-China Network for Cooperation and Exchanges among Engineering
and Technology Universities

Member Universities

Beijing Institute of Technology

About BIT

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) is a public university with a traditional focus on science and technology but developing into other areas such as management and humanities. The Institute emphasises ethics in scholarship, discovery of truth, and contribution to mankind through profound academic accomplishments.


A university with distinctive programmes and global influence.


BIT is dedicated to:

·developing lofty ideals and sound scholarship, a strong body and a quiet heart;

·evolving a pragmatic and humble spirit, and creating a culture of excellence; and

·improving research capabilities, and achieving distinction in defence technology.


BIT was founded in 1940 in Yan’an, Shaanxi Province and was relocated to Beijing in 1949. The following year, the main campus and the Departments of Maths, Physics and Chemistry of the Institut Franco-Chinois were merged with BIT.

BIT has always formulated its strategies in light of national strategic needs and global developments in science and technology and education, and in accordance with its own strengths and missions. These strategies include: consolidating its strengths in mechanical and vehicle engineering and automation; leveraging its advantages and distinctive programmes in IT-related disciplines; and developing new strengths in aerospace engineering. BIT will build its strengths in both science and engineering, and simultaneously develop disciplines in management and humanities.


BIT has three campuses in Beijing: the Zhongguancun Campus (178 acres), Liangxiang Campus (500 acres) and Xishan Experimental Area (42 acres).


BIT has four faculties—Faculty of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, Faculty of Information and Electronics, Faculty of NaturalSciences and Materials, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences—with 19 colleges, as well as the Institute of Educational Research, School of Liberal Arts, School of Continuing Education, School of International Education and Higher Vocational and Technical College, and numerous advanced scientific research centres.


BIT comprises more than 3,500 faculty members and 25,000 full-time students. Over 14,000 are undergraduate students, nearly 8,000 are graduate students and over 3,000 are doctoral students.


Engineering, materials science, chemistry, physics and mathematics are the five disciplines in BIT that are ranked among the top 1% in Essential Science Indicators (ESI) global ranking. Over the years, BIT is devoted to improving its research capabilities. High-level achievements have been made in navigation control, injury prevention and safety, mechanical and vehicle engineering, materials science, and information systems and warfare. It has developed a clear edge in technologies relating to intelligent and bionic robotics, space adaptive optics, green energy, modern communications and industrial process control.

International cooperation

By taking a global approach to education, BIT is increasingly established as an internationally reputable and influential institution. Currently, it has established inter-university collaboration with more than 200 renowned universities in 58 countries and regions on six continents; it was the lead founder of the Sino-Spanish University Consortium and the Sino-Russian-Belarussian University Consortium and the co-founder of two Confucius Institutes: Confucius Institute of University of Lagos in Nigeria and Confucius Institute of University of Saskatchewan in Canada. BIT is building an international university, and has created a global network for exchange and cooperation.

BIT has entered into student-exchange agreements with more than 60 internationally renowned universities, including Germany’s Institute Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) and the United States’ University of California Berkeley. Of its 19 specialised colleges, 15 have established double-degree programmes with eight world-class universities, such as the National University of Australia. The colleges regularly organise different forms of international exchanges, such as summer schools, overseas trainings and graduation design projects.

Every year, BIT sends more than 1,000 students for overseas study and exchange. Four undergraduate and eleven graduate programmes are taught completely in English. It has an international student population of more than 1,000 from 71 countries.