

ASEAN-China Network for Cooperation and Exchanges among Engineering
and Technology Universities

Member Universities

Champasack University, Lao PDR

Champasack University is the second establishment university situated of about seven kilometers from the central city of Pakse – Capital city of Champasack Province, the center for socio-economic and culture of southern provinces. The aim is to provide educational opportunities for students in southern parts of Laos to access higher education. It also aims to produce manpower covering all levels of labor forces with high academic knowledge and ability to serve the public and private sectors for socio-economic development, the government policy. The vision of the university is to be developed as an international center for education, research and cooperation in the southern part of the Lao PDR as well as in the region with the mission to train personnel with self sufficiency, with high economic knowledge and ability to be prepared and willing to serve the society; to promote and carry out research in the natural sciences and the social sciences; to promote and preserves national culture and arts, and the traditional cultures of ethnic group to ensure their survival, and to provide professional service, consulting and training academic and practical matters.

Teaching and learning programs and courses of vocational training are also offered widely covered basic vocational levels up to higher educational degree programs. Courses are followed under a credit system. The credit value corresponds to the class contact hours, and varies according to the nature of the contact, e.g. for lecture mode, one credit is equal to 16 hours contact hours for laboratory work or seminars, one credit is worth between 32 and 48 contact hours, and for field work, the value of credits is between 48 to 96 hours.

Refer to vision and mission of Champasack University, the cooperation with institutions both in the region and international level are an important activity. Previously, Champasack University has cooperated and signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with over twenty foreign institutions and universities aiming to improve quality of teaching and learning and teachers’ knowledge and skills as well as to develop for more extent joint research program for more publication.