- [ 2022-03-27 ] 2022中国-东盟论坛 | 第一讲 中越建交以来的教育合作关系演变以及越南教育发展历程
- [ 2022-03-25 ] 学生活动 | 1st International Space Science and Scientific Payload Competition(ISSSP)
- [ 2022-03-20 ] 国际会议 | 6th International Conference of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology 2022
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 学生活动 | CommTECH Online 2022 Spring Edition
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第十六讲 Robust Control Applications on Power Inverter for Future Mix Generation Microgrid
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第十五讲 Glycerolysis of palm oil and its derivatives for high-value emulsifier production:...
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第十四讲 Lecture 03: Moving in the nanoworld to do ‘work’
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第十三讲 Composite nano-systems for energy harvesting
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第十二讲 Two projects on mobile networks and how to write a good pape
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第十一讲 Basic Concepts about computational modeling of two-phase flows
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第十讲 Basic Concepts about computational modeling of turbulent flows
- [ 2021-12-29 ] 学生活动 | 2022同济大学“同舟”中文与中华文化线上体验营通知
- [ 2021-11-25 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第九讲 Moving in the Nanoworld Together
- [ 2021-11-25 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第八讲 Freezing of Droplets on a Cold Surface
- [ 2021-11-19 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第七讲 Building Energy Management System: the Way Forward
- [ 2021-11-18 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第六讲 Moving in the Nanoworld by 'Force'
- [ 2021-11-15 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第五讲 Biomass to Biofuel: Renewable Energy Potential in the South-East Asian Region
- [ 2021-11-03 ] 学生活动 | 2021国际大学生创新实践设计奖
- [ 2021-11-02 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第四讲 Towards Verifying Neural Networks Against Backdoor Attacks
- [ 2021-10-27 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第三讲 Accommodating the Aging Society Through Planning...
- [ 2021-10-27 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第二讲 Radio Tomography Imaging for Potential Monitoring and...
- [ 2021-10-27 ] 2021中国-东盟论坛 | 第一讲 Ultrasonic Tomography for Liquid/Gas Bubbles Imaging
- [ 2020-11-24 ] 2020中国-东盟论坛 | 第十四讲 会计与财务领域的实证研究设计和高水平期刊发表(II)